I have been through a lot experiences leading to deep trauma and at times unbearable pain. Contrary to all that, I was always very optimistic and knew I deserved better and that there was better. That there was another side..., I just (at the time) didn't know how to go there. I didn't know people wise and skilled enough to show me practical ways of overcoming trauma and transcending all the pain I was in.
Nowadays there ate a lot of encouraging memes telling you to "just do it" or that "If you don't change nothing changes" which is all too vague for someone who was in my situation. I desperately wanted to change so everything else chances to the better but I didn't know how. Where to start and what practical steps to do.
Luckily now it's easy to find not just encouraging phrases but also many wise and skilful people to give you help, guidance and support. All this with kindness and without judgement in the eyes.
I as I met and photographed Ali, I have had the feeling that she is one of those people who care to help and have the knowledge to do it right. She is an expert on the area of helping people to overcome trauma and I hear she's very good at what she is doing 👌
I am so glad the world has changed a lot since I was younger and there is help available to anyone. There is always a coach or a wise person who nicely fits your personality and can help you grow and overcome your trauma.
Keep looking. keep trying.
Everyone deserves help to go on the other side. The better side.
Only you can make the first step.